
Archive for January, 2012

The afternoon had played out so differently than Elizabeth could have ever dreamed. Her heart was bursting at the moment. Her thoughts were jumbled, alive, and full of feeling. She really was at a loss for words, which was such a foreign concept for her. Her love of reading had always provided her the necessary words with which to adequately put her feelings into a tangible concept. However, at the moment, it seemed there were just no words strong enough, to describe the deep connection that was flowing through every part of her body.

Elizabeth and her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner had just completed a wonderful afternoon of touring around the grounds of Pemberley. Led by none other than Mr. Darcy himself, much to Elizabeth’s surprise. The tall, stately figure had been courteous, humble, and full of engaging conversation all day long. He had shown the Gardiner’s and herself so many special parts of the grounds of his estate. Elizabeth’s mind had struggled to take in and absorb all the beauty which stretched out before her.

After their fortuitous meeting in the field when Darcy had appeared out of nowhere, dripping wet with his shirt clinging to his firm chest, the rest of the afternoon had become a blur for Elizabeth. She had no way to reconcile her current thoughts to her previous opinion of the man.

It was almost as if she had, today, met the true Darcy for the very first time.

Her mind whirled and struggled to contain the feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. At current, she was ensconced in the carriage with her Aunt and Uncle and must maintain some outward appearance of propriety. She turned her head as the carriage rolled away from Pemberley, and laid her eyes upon the figure of her thoughts. He stood there, straight-backed, with a dashing top hat upon his head as he waved to the receding carriage. Her brown eyes rolled from the ground underneath his feet, up along his stretched breeches, around the tails of his fine coat, and finally to his eyes. He kept standing there, growing smaller and smaller in the distance as the carriage travelled away from him. She could feel his eyes locked upon her own. The connection shared was unlike any other that she had experienced in her entire life. She held his gaze and smiled warmly back to him in return.

As their carriage began to round a bend amid the tree-lined pathway, he finally faded from her view. She could still feel him however. The connection was not lost. Elizabeth could hear birds in the forest trilling softly. Everything around her looked brighter for some reason. She could feel her heart beating within her chest. Small goose bumps lined her arms within her gloves. She looked over at her Aunt who was smiling back at her. Elizabeth cast her eyes towards her lap to try and contain the rush of emotions flooding through her. She knew that her Aunt could see through her, but found she did not care.

Moments later, Elizabeth engaged in conversation with her Aunt and Uncle about their afternoon. Her Uncle was ecstatic at the prospect of fishing in the Pemberely pond. Her Aunt luxuriated on about the dinner invitation that Mr. Darcy had extended to them. That thought prompted Elizabeth to recall his professed desire for her to meet his sister. A shiver ran through her as she recalled his deep voice within her thoughts. His voice appeared to have a new affect upon her, and the tones of his voice reached deeply within her as they never had before. His caring today had endeared him to her in a way that she would have not thought possible.

With a smile upon her face that would not disappear for some time, Elizabeth looked out the front of the carriage and tried to come to grips with the emotions flowing through her mind. She put a gloved hand to her face and realized that her cheeks actually hurt a bit from all the smiling today. The scenery that passed by was so beautiful and calmed her thoughts as additional distance began to put her further from Pemberley with every turn of the carriage wheels.

The one thought that would not dissipate was of how soon again she would see him. She found herself wondering if their connection would deepen even further, every time hence forth that she neared him. She now had little doubt that it would. The smile upon her visage brightened even further at that thought.

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A thank you to readers

This is not my normal Darcy musings kind of post…  It is more of a thank you to a few people…And a sweet teaser to those that have not enjoyed some pages of my new Darcy book yet. 

I have given a few chapters of my completed, but pending Darcy book to a number of helpful people.  For them to read and provide critiques.     Thank you to everyone who spent the time to enjoy the pages and for your kind words…  below….  my sincerest thanks.


“I blushed, and blushed some more.  Do they ever get out of bed?  I loved every part of the sweet story.”

“I have now read your attached chapters, I read them thoroughly and with great enjoyment being a Darcy fan myself, I love the cross over you have made from Pride and pred! It all fits together perfectly, I think this Genre of writing has truly found you.  So beautifully written. I could have been reading a novel by Jane Austen herself! I loved it I will be buying it, this is my true honest review so far! There is not a fault with your story, it reads how it should, for this period of time and the setting! Well done, I truly believe you have surpassed yourself.  This book I believe has the makings of a best seller, that is where I believe it should be… on the top of a best sellers list! Very beautifully written pure brilliance!  I Look forward to buying the complete book with pride!! If it will be in paper back I shall buy the paper back too.”

“I finished reading your first three chapters. Fabulous job so far – you’re writing is very artistic – it paints a perfect visual as you read it.”

“It is a beautifully written story, with a very good beginning, setting the scene and presenting Darcy and Lizzy in their natural elements. The author shows quite a talent to write in the most Austenesque manner, and at the same time the writing flows so fluidly. The words flow naturally, making you become engaged in the reading until the end. Using flashbacks and letting us know what is in the characters minds, the author makes sure that the reader is interested in continuing reading, to know more, to get the whole story. I love the twist in the story, showing Georgiana as a wannabe writer. In general, it is a lovely excerpt from what I am sure it will be a lovely book.  I highly recommend it to everybody. Well done!! It is refreshing to get an Austen sequel from the male point of view.   I am really looking forward to read the rest of the book. Thanks for sharing these pages with me!!”

My SINCEREST thanks to all that spent a little time reading a couple of the first chapters of my new book.    The editing continues…    Hopefully completed soon….


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Beneath a warm sun, Darcy and Elizabeth ambled together along the wooded paths throughout the many acres of Pemberley’s rolling lands.  Darcy held the hand of his wife as they meandered aimlessly along with no purpose besides to simply be with one another and enjoy the outdoors.   Darcy absolutely lovedElizabeth’s passion for activities out in the playground that nature provided.  Her zest and inner need to seek out active pursuits was one he adored about her as it mirrored his own countenance.

They wandered together with no destination in mind.   Darcy snuck a few glances over towardsElizabeth’s beautiful face with frequency as he listened to her chatty voice.   He loved her voice, and felt that he could feel her emotions flow forth within her every word.   Chatting with her was more wonderful of a pastime for him than he ever could have imagined.   They had been married now for a few months and he never tired of hearing her sweet tones. 

“Mr. Darcy are you listening to me my love?”Elizabethqueried her husband once she noticed the far away look upon his visage.  “I was asking you whether or not you desired for me to invite theHurststo the upcoming ball, but you appeared too lost in your thoughts to provide an answer my dear sir.” Elizabethgently thrust out her bottom lip, slightly pouting in a playful manner.   She could never be coarse with her husband, as he normally attended to her more passionately than any man ever had.  And she often knew his thoughts just as deeply as he knew hers.  She could tell that his mind was elsewhere at the moment and she actually had an idea of where his thoughts had journeyed.

Darcy smiled back at his wife, as a slight blush rose to his cheeks.   “My dearest, loveliestElizabeth, please accept my sincerest apologies for not listening to you over the past few minutes.   Indeed my thoughts were elsewhere and I am truly sorry my beloved.”

“And pray tell sir, where exactly had your thoughts journeyed off to?”Elizabethteased as she saw Darcy squirm slightly amid her inquires.

“My musings were upon the most wonderful woman.  This extraordinary woman loves the outdoors, and possesses a voice which I love listening to for hours.  She views life much in the way that I do, but she actually has many deeper insights to teach me of as well.   She connects with every single fiber of my being, emotionally and deeply.  I can hear her voice in my head when I am far from home, and she captures my heart.”  Darcy shuffled his feet forwards as he looked deep intoElizabeth’s eyes.    The smile upon her face grew larger and larger as he continuing speaking of the woman within his daydreams.    Her eyes twinkled as his words surged to her very soul.

“She sounds like a very special lady.  Perhaps I should meet her someday,”Elizabethlightly fluttered as her heart beat faster.

“Indeed, you have no idea how special she truly is to me,” Darcy mused back to his wife as they smiled happily at one another and stopped in the woods for a deep, slow kiss.  


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